Understanding your brain for a better living since 1968.

Brain Tips

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Category: Sleep Problems
pexels-christian-domingues-731022 Sleep Problems

Sleep Is the Best Meditation!

What do we do when we sleep? Our brain regenerates itself and our physical body as well, it’s the reason why we wake up full ...
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What Happens in Your Brain When You Sleep?

Sleep away Anxiety/Depression/Improve Memory and more health benefits.   Be smarter than the majority of people! Neuroscientists predict that 40 to 50% of people will ...
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hurry-stress-busy_Inneroptimal2 Anxiety

Stress Affects your Performance!

Learn all about how stress affects your performance, as well as how brain training can help you overcome these obstacles.
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holiday-stress Anxiety

How Do You Handle the Stress of the Holiday Season?

Holidays can be stressful for a lot of us. How do you handle the stress of the holiday season? Who has not struggled between holiday ...
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io-sleep-quote Sleep Problems

Sleep Well to Be Happy and Improve Health!

Have you meditated on this last quote we gave you to help you sleep well? ” We are such stuff as dreams are made of; ...
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Sleep Better By Changing Your Bedroom

Today I’d like you to think about what can be improved in your bedroom to help you sleep better and awaken refreshed! Look at your ...
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brain-waves Sleep Problems

Sleep Patterns: “Sleep is the Best Meditation”

What do we do when we sleep? Our brain regenerate itself and our physical body as well, it’s the reason why we wake up full ...
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