Sleep Is the Best Meditation!

What do we do when we sleep? Our brain regenerates itself and our physical body as well, it’s the reason why we wake up full of Energy after a sound sleep. Sleep patterns are an essential component of rest.
When you were a kid do you remember asking your brother or sister: “Are you sleeping?” I remember answering: “Yes” to my brother’s question! Today I’d answer the same question: No, I’m cleaning my brain! The most recent studies of today reveal that sleep patterns allow the brain to clean waste accumulated during the awakened period. The Dalai Lama knows it! What do we do during a successful meditation? We clean waste collected during the awakened period! Sleep or meditation what is the difference?
They are the slowest brainwaves (lower frequency). Delta is generated in deep sleep and deep meditation as well. If you reach that level in meditation or in your sleep patterns you’re completely disconnected from the outside world. You wouldn’t hear a storm! That level will help with the reduction of physical symptoms such as fatigue and pain. It’s possible to wake up after a good night of deep sleep, refreshed, regenerated, and healed. Some scientists even say that at that level we enhance empathy! We now understand why deep restorative sleep is so essential to healing on every level of our being (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual)!
Also called “bad” theta 3 to 6 Hz Theta brainwaves occur in sleep and are also dominant in deep meditation. They are very similar to Delta brainwaves. Today we have the tendency to say that at Theta we dream, other scientists will say that dreams happen when we are in Alpha brainwaves. In meditation at that level, we’ll learn to “be in the present moment” It will reduce our impulsivity and emotional reactivity. At that level, we clean the “garbage” of the emotional impact of recent or old traumas. It’s a place where memories and emotions are stored (traumas). Trauma is an energy consumer (we actively entertain these types of emotions, which sucks all our energy).
Good theta? 7 Hz is a pathway to the subconscious with the integration and digestion of old traumas. A successful Meditation brings you spiritual awareness. At that level the brain is creative and intuitive you have a clear vision of things. Quite often I see clients receiving insight beyond their expectations or beyond what their awakened conscious awareness would have given them! And don’t misunderstand me. To me everything is spiritual; the physical world and the spiritual world are interconnected! Insights can be “how to conduct an important business meeting” Or “What important decision to take about your business” As you can imagine, some of my clients, once their training is completed, come back for a few sessions when they have an important decision to make!
They are dominant when you relax, or if you are new to meditation (which is a good start, the rest will come with practice!). At that level, your brain will naturally, when needed, and by itself, go to the relax mode.
This is not deep meditation! If there is a noise or somebody enters the room where you are, you will immediately shift your consciousness to the beta level, that is to say, full attention!
I can hear you say: but I cannot meditate, and I don’t sleep that well! A storm for sure awakens me, even light rain!
From my experience, you might have blocks created by life events that prevent you from having this deep restorative quality of sleep, or meditation. Don’t worry! We are here! The tailored brain training neurofeedback programs we provide help your brain to go to these deep levels of healing and regeneration naturally and easily. With our brain training, using advanced neurofeedback, your brain will re-balance itself, re-adjust, and self-regulate from the Delta Waves to the Gamma (42Hz and up) waves and this includes healing from Anxiety, depression, enhanced memory, self-confidence, focus, and distractions. You’ll be able to achieve more without feeling overwhelmed. And what’s more important, you stay in control!

The InnerOptimal Team

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