Understanding your brain for a better living since 1968.

Brain Tips

Welcome to our "Brain Tips" blog where we talk about the latest news, tips, hacks and information about your brain, well-being and maximizing your performance & potential.

Author: Amelie
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The Safe Solution You’ve Been Looking for!

“Too many people are taking drugs for Anxiety and Insomnia, and Doctors are worried! As coronavirus health concerns, social isolation and job-loss stress take a ...
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STRESS – Health/Wellness and Advanced Neurofeedback

How to reduce stress – while in confinement! From the comfort of your home! “The combination of diet, exercise, and the practice of stress reduction ...
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A key element to help us during the flu season

What do we know about the effect of stress on our Immune system and our brain? Thecellsof theimmunesystem that are involved in protecting the body ...
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Alpha Wave Development to Reduce Pain

Buddhist practitioners familiar with the working of the mind have long been aware that it can be transformed through training… In a real sense the ...
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Advanced Brain Training for Happiness & Productivity

Are you feeling down or exhausted? Have you lost your motivation to work even if you are passionate about what you do? Isn’t it a ...
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Addiction Brain Training Changes Lives

This newsletter addresses a topic that is oftentimes misunderstood: Addiction. While it can be challenging to break an addiction, there are solutions. Addiction brain training ...
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Boost Your Brain Activity with these Habits

Learn which habits can boost your brain activity.
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Brain Training for Relaxation and Calm

It’s a fact: brain training improves lives. Research has shown that practicing meditation has an effect on the pathways and  structure of the brain. Studies of ...
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Stress Affects your Performance!

Learn all about how stress affects your performance, as well as how brain training can help you overcome these obstacles.
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ADHD Awareness Month: How Brain Training Can Help

ADHD is a complex issue and as October is ADHD awareness month, we decided to share information about it. It’s estimated than over 6 million ...
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