Understanding your brain for a better living since 1968.

Brain Tips

Welcome to our "Brain Tips" blog where we talk about the latest news, tips, hacks and information about your brain, well-being and maximizing your performance & potential.

Category: Peak Performance
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Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease

DON’T BE PART OF THE STATISTICS! Currently more than 55 million people have dementia worldwide. Every year, there are nearly 10 million new cases. (March ...
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Using Keto to Improve Brain Health/InnerOptimal

GO KETO DIET OR MEDITERRANEAN DIET? WHAT IS INTERMITTENT FASTING? A keto diet is high in healthy fat, medium in protein, and low to very ...
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brain-picture Brain Training

Alpha Wave Development to Reduce Pain

Buddhist practitioners familiar with the working of the mind have long been aware that it can be transformed through training… In a real sense the ...
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Brain Training for Relaxation and Calm

It’s a fact: brain training improves lives. Research has shown that practicing meditation has an effect on the pathways and  structure of the brain. Studies of ...
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hurry-stress-busy_Inneroptimal2 Anxiety

Stress Affects your Performance!

Learn all about how stress affects your performance, as well as how brain training can help you overcome these obstacles.
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How Brain Training Can Help You Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goal!

Denise Mueller-Korenek set the record for the World’s fastest human on a paced bicycle at 183.93 mph on September 16th, 2018! She used brain training ...
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How are physical injuries linked to brain disorders or diseases?

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