Understanding your brain for a better living since 1968.

Brain Tips

Welcome to our "Brain Tips" blog where we talk about the latest news, tips, hacks and information about your brain, well-being and maximizing your performance & potential.

Author: InnerOptimal
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How to Recognize Anxiety and Treat It

Anxiety is difficult to become aware of, especially as the symptoms can build up over time. It can occur after a sudden event in our ...
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ADD and Female Brain – 5 Exercises to Improve Focus

Learn more about ADD and the female brain. Do you struggle with ADD?   Eve, a 9 year old girl didn’t like reading and was unhappy ...
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NeurOptimal Brain Training Reduces Depression

NeurOptimal brain training is an outstanding option to consider if you or someone you know struggles with stress, anxiety, or depression. This life changing procedure ...
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Keep Your Brain Young with NeurOptimal

While there is no fountain of youth, there are ways to slow the effects of aging. Just as there are strategies for improving your physical ...
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shocked young woman looking through a magnifying glass Brain Training

Keep Your Brain Alert by Focusing on the Details

In our Free eBook on 10 Exercises you can do at home to keep your brain alert and active, the first exercise we mention is ...
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Reduce Stress with These Five Tips

We all know the negative effects stress can have on people, from headaches to heart attacks. It is critical that we learn how to reduce ...
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io-sleep-quote Sleep Problems

Sleep Well to Be Happy and Improve Health!

Have you meditated on this last quote we gave you to help you sleep well? ” We are such stuff as dreams are made of; ...
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Sleep Better By Changing Your Bedroom

Today I’d like you to think about what can be improved in your bedroom to help you sleep better and awaken refreshed! Look at your ...
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Sleep Patterns: “Sleep is the Best Meditation”

What do we do when we sleep? Our brain regenerate itself and our physical body as well, it’s the reason why we wake up full ...
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