Understanding your brain for a better living since 1968.

Brain Tips

Welcome to our "Brain Tips" blog where we talk about the latest news, tips, hacks and information about your brain, well-being and maximizing your performance & potential.

Psychological or psychiatric therapy concept. Treat mental illness. Concept of stress and depression. Bipolar disorder and disease. Order and untangle the thoughts of the mind. Stress

Stress, Anxiety, and Consequences

Those of you who have read my newsletter for quite a while know that stress generates anxiety. When I was running my Holistic Healing Center ...
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Dreams, experience them crystal clear!

Dreams are another subject that I’ve loved to study! Dreams can be simple “outlet” for your anxiety at this time of your life, but they ...
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The conscious mind and the subconscious mind. How to use them to our benefit!

We all know about the conscious mind, but have you noticed how blurry and imprecise too often it is? If you try to remember the ...
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Superconscious Mind? What For?

What is the Superconscious Mind? This “Superconscious mind or superconscious memory” is a deeper memory than even the sub-conscious memory. This superconscious memory is related ...
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The Power of the Mind

Let’s talk about the power of thoughts! If you want to expand your consciousness, create something, a business, a new relationship or help your significant ...
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Spring is here! This is my favorite season, and you? I love Nature, especially in spring, when everything grows and flourishes and develops its full ...
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The general belief is that love is an intense emotional condition, combining physical attraction, possessiveness, control, addiction, and novelty. This type of love is fragile ...
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Set new goals for 2022

Be the successful one! Studies show that only 8% of Americans who make a New Year’s resolution keep them all year and 80% have failed ...
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How Do You Handle the Stress of the Holiday Season?

The holidays may be a joyous time, but they can also exacerbate many stressors that could lead to increased feelings of anxiety for many people ...
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Improving Anxiety

Fall is here now and with it our anxiety about the health of our loved ones and how to manage this pandemic time! If you ...
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