December; Month of Love and Giving

Love is expressed differently by people. 

December is not about possessive love, or the physical attraction also called love but is about unconditional love, that vibrates at the level of 500. It is accepting love and nonjudgmental forgiveness as a lifestyle, exercising unconditional kindness to all persons, things, and events, without exception! See our Newsletter for February 2022. You’ll find the link at the end of this present Newsletter.

I’d like to suggest to you to meditate and for those that do not “meditate” to focus on this concept of unconditional love.

Who do you know that expresses or has expressed this unconditional love you have witnessed in your life? How that unconditional love has been expressed and has impacted or maybe changed your life? 

Was it the unconditional love of your mom that no matter what you did as a teen or young adult, kept her caring and loving for you? 

I hope that you have the memory of this unconditional love given to you by your mom or dad.

If this was or was not your case, what human being(s) are you admiring for her/his unconditional love? Did you have a spiritual mentor or a mentor that again no matter what, was here for you and helped you to mentally and/or spiritually, grow? These mentors have been placed in your life, for a short or a long time, to help you integrate this beautiful gift they had, being able to express unconditional love!

Unconditional love can be tough. I mean it could have been severe, firm love, showing you where you were misleading or going in the wrong direction, to help you develop discernment and understand that “You always have the choice”. You are the one to create your life and destiny. No need to blame whoever or whatever. 

Everything is coming from you so what do you need to change? What don’t you like and or don’t want to see happening any longer? Of course, you need to be patient with yourself. Wrong habits do not change in the blink of an eye! 

I love the concept “there is no failure, the only failure is giving up


Unconditional love is also loving people as human beings.

Each of us has our hopes and struggles, gifts, and weaknesses to overcome. This is common to all of us, whatever color, creed, religion (or belief system), or nationality. 

I’ve traveled a lot in my life and everywhere I have seen this commonality, expressed sometimes slightly different, but it is the thread connecting every human being on our planet. We all want to be happier, and healthier, and see our children be well. 

Thinking of this, why not send love energy to every human being on our small planet at this season of the year and take the habit to do it regularly all year long? 

When I’m shocked by an action that I consider negative, I always meditate on the following thought. What would I have done if I had been raised with these kinds of thoughts, in this environment, filled with hate, instead of love? If I were …. would I have been different from the general belief system and type of thinking in this part of the world or this country or would I have just followed the crowd?

When I’ve taken the time to meditate (or concentrate) on this type of thought, I can send thoughts of love. These thoughts of love are energy that can only help the people involved to alleviate their pain, frustration, and/or belief system harming others. My frustration, hate, or negative thoughts toward them only adds up to theirs, and knowing this, my attitude needs to shift to unconditional love.

I’ll let you meditate on this unconditional love concept and what it means to you. As we said at the beginning of this message, take as examples, people you know or have known and remember as many details as possible of their attitudes and actions that you admire.

December is also the month of giving. As you will agree with me, giving is not only giving gifts to your children or grandchildren, a check to a non-profit of your choice, or a buck to the needy. Even if this helps there are many other ways to give.

Giving a smile to a person that seems lost in her/his negative thoughts could illuminate the day of this person and go a long way. 

Teaching your kids or grandchildren to give needy kids one of the too many toys they have and often don’t even play with, help them to think of others, particularly if you ask your kid to give them one toy they like!

One of our clients told me that her sister gave her young teen the habit to give a phone call to somebody in their family or to a neighbor that is lonely or sick. They started this habit during COVID, and they continue. I think it is another excellent habit to give to your kids or grandchildren. 

The idea is to think with your teen(s) about what they could talk about with that person to illuminate that person’s day. Has this kid an elderly family member even already mentally gone with this terrible sickness of Alzheimer’s? Notice that these people respond to love and kindness. So have your kid or young adult(s) visit them regularly. We don’t know yet if they are aware of these visits, but they might, as you can usually see signs of happiness on their face.  

As we all know, our legacy of Love, and encouragement, will be the best legacy we can give to our young and to those who cross our path for a short or long time. 

Listening is more important than talking! So, listening more and talking less is another good practice and example to others. Sharing is important too! So, share your own life experiences with your young people, stories or experiences that would help them. Young people have great potential to change the world and they will. Stay confident!

I encourage you to meditate on what different giving you could do this year, which will inspire those around you to do the same!

At this end of the year, my family and I, are experiencing the loss of a loved one. Another way to express love is to think and then put into place, what new thing(s) can you introduce in your family life to make a change! This change will help move through the grieving period faster and with more ease. 

Giving love as long as you can to the one leaving this physical plane and giving love to those who stay here to help them move forward in life, is the best you can do. Your soul will be in Peace, knowing that you have done the best you could and “all is well”. 

For more than 35 years now, with my daughter, we’ve had the habit to invite people who would otherwise be alone, to share Christmas with us! This is another way to give and spread love, kindness, and happiness.


I wish you a great month of December, whichever way you celebrate the return of the light at this time of the year!

Dr. Danielle, Marie-Laure, and their team wish you 

Happy month of December and Happy Holidays!

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