“Too many people are taking drugs for Anxiety and Insomnia, and Doctors are worried! As coronavirus health concerns, social isolation and job-loss stress take a toll, people turn to medications; It can very quickly become a habit.” Wall Street Journal May 28,2020
If doctors are worried it is because drugs have side effects that often are worse than the problem itself.
How to build your emotional immunity to be protected?
You already know about relaxation and meditation. How often do you practice these healthy techniques? And how much time do you devote to them?
These stress-reduction exercises are powerful tools for self-healing. BUT, and this a BIG but, if you are easily distracted it will be extremely difficult to achieve profound states of relaxation. It will be difficult to recognize and release muscle-tension and tightness.
To achieve a level of healthy equilibrium whenever desired, you need to master the mindfulness of physical, emotional, and psychological perceptions. Awareness and control of respiratory rhythm need to be learned and mastered.
I imagine you are thinking “But I am too busy, my day goes by and in the evening, I am exhausted and I just want to sleep. And even my sleep is not restoring my energy.”
The good news is we can help!
Neurofeedback is not well understood. But people are now discovering the many benefits of Advanced Neurofeedback.
Your brain can be better organized, in less than a month. These ‘brain training’ sessions will add to your time and not take time out of your busy schedule. Advanced neurofeedback sessions can help your brain in these ways:
- Be better focused so… you will be able to easily do these stress-reductions exercises.
- The neuroplasticity of your brain will be restored so… everyday stress will not have the same impact. Difficult or unexpected situations at work, with your family, in your business (with your employees or providers) will be faced with calm, serenity and success!
- Stress will be better and more easily managed and will actually become a “good” stress so… it won’t affect your immune system or adrenals.
- When stress is managed, this chronic anxiety resulting from “bad” stress will disappear.
- Your brain will re-learn how to sleep again, and you will experience a good level of high energy, without any medication!
Neurofeedback sessions provide something better than hope! More and more statistics confirm this affirmation – just look online!
You will experience benefits on many levels, including physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. You will become aware of positive changes even during your first month of “Brain Peak Performance Training.”
Advanced neurofeedback sessions can be done at our Center – and we follow strict rules for everyone’s protection. Alternatively, sessions can also be done from the comfort of your home.
Give us a call so we can talk or book a complimentary appointment from our website! Feel free also to give this gift to people you care about.
We will get out of this all together, and we will get out stronger!
To Your Health and Success!
Dr Danielle