Understanding your brain for a better living since 1968.

Our Signature Programs In office or at home

Naturally unlock your brain power with our personalized neurofeedback programs.


Program Options

Platinum Program

Get a personalized training plan to achieve optimal performance, tailor-made and supervised by your personal neurofeedback expert.

Gold Program
(Home-Based program)

Get a personalized training plan to achieve optimal performance, tailor-made and supervised by your personal neurofeedback expert.

Established research

Over 400+ peer-reviewed studies have been published on the use of neurofeedback and have shown its efficacy with Sleep Issues, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, Addiction, and more.

In each of our programs we take into consideration that each brain is different, and our program adapts to your unique strengths and weaknesses.

Our programs are here to allow you to achieve better brain health. Mental health and behavioral challenges often have their roots in dysregulated brain activity. Our program can tackle the root of the problem by training the brain to better regulate itself. Every training program is supervised by a professional trainer to help you achieve optimal results.

Call us today or schedule a consultation and learn more about what is the best program for you.  Don’t wait to function at your best!

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Take Our Free Quiz About How to Combat Anxiety...and WIN!

Simply fill out your email below to access our free quiz that will provide you with personalized results on the types of anxiety you’re experiencing, and expert tips on what to do about it.